Ok, so it's taken a little bit longer to get my ass in gear and start blogging information on the Printing Rooms, but better late then never!
First a little bit of information about the Printing Rooms: I wanted to create a business where customers could purchase limited edition works of art at a reasonable price - why? I have a degree in Art which I'm afraid has languished since graduating from college in 2003, and when I lost my latest job (long line of office-based blah blah) I decided now was the time to take the... printing press by the horns and start my own thing. In fact, all the years of office work (some good, some baaaad have left me in a really good position to get cracking on this).
In a nutshell, I love printing - love the smell, the process, the inks, the lino, the paper - and I love interior design, and I want my business to work by offering products at a price that people will come back for and products that they want to have on their walls, so that I can continue to make. I love art but it can get a little 'heavy' at times. It's been nice to take a step back from that side of art to make stuff that I like, that I want to look at and to see on my walls.
Fine art printmaking shouldn't be confused with giclee prints etc - fine art printmaking is a much more specialised and creative craft: you are designing and carving a 'plate', inking up that plate, and then creating an edition of prints based on that plate - all handmade, carved and inked. Each edition of prints may take upwards of 1-2 weeks to create, from the idea, the plan, testing the plan, the transfer of the image, the carving, the testing, the re-carving, the inking etc etc; and each print from an edition is an original art work. It's a labour of love, people!!
So currently I am in the process of creating, carving and inking upwards of 20 different prints; and in the meantime I am putting together a website, so, all going to plan, my prints should be ready to sell.... soon... hopefully pre-Christmas, hopefully beginning of November, but more like mid-end November.
Keep an eye on the blog, as I will be posting up tutorials and information on printing.