January 31, 2012

Showcase - quick update

As usual, a perfectly executed photograph by myself... you get the picture though.

So, Showcase. A really interesting and worthwhile experience, met some great new creative peeps, and overall a really worthwhile, albeit expensive experience. It has focused me more on where I need to move forward, but it's also reminded me of the importance of taking time off. I had been focused on this show for 6-8 weeks, full throttle, so it's time to 'work clever'. Preparing a few orders for next week, and updating the website, more aware that the down-time is just as important as the full-on, up-for-it, work-work-work, which up until now has been all the time.

Right, siesta time!

January 12, 2012

Showcase teasers

As I mentioned in my last blog entry, The Printing Rooms will be at Showcase, RDS next week, stand B31, City Enterprise area. Promised a brief new entry with some teaser images (teaser is code for really really bad photographs) of the new products I'll have, and here we go, three pics!

If you need further (more regular) updates, like or follow us on FB!

January 9, 2012

Show-ho-ho-Case 2012

As I didn't get around to updating the blog pre-Christmas, I thought I'd add a little Christmas cheer (a bit late, I know... or early maybe) with an occasional ho-ho-ho. So after a very brief hiatus (Christmas day), I have started cracking on with preparations for a whole new range of prints which I will be, ahem showcasing at Showcase. This is a trade-only event, but should give me a great idea of where to progress and what to progress.

Showcase kicks off at the RDS on Sunday, 22nd (that's months away, right? right?) and goes on for 4 days. Looking forward to it (nervously, ho-ho..no), as this will be my first big-scale fair. I won't say I'm ready (I'm not), but I'm not too far off.

Wish me luck, there will be a definite lull in communications over the next few weeks, although will try and send through a few teasers pics!

(oh, and Happy New Year!)